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Diesel crane

[Made In Leeds]

Smith 5t crane


Historical note:  The Smith family of Rodley started building cranes in 1840, and Thomas Smith took over the company in 1861 on the death of his father. The company was taken over by T W Ward of Sheffield in 1939, but continued to trade as a subsidiary. It was taken over again by Northern Engineering Industries in 1978, and eventually ceased manufacturing.

Built 1954 as a steam crane by Thomas Smith, at Leeds. Converted by them to a diesel crane in 1968.
Load capacity 5 tons
Jib length 35' (approximately 10.6 metres)
Previously worked Supplied originally to Hull docks. Acquired from there by the Kent and East Sussex Railway in 1971.
Entered collection Purchased from the Kent and East Sussex Railway in 2012
Current status Operational


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